
Posts Tagged ‘muffin’

I can’t stop eating

I am starving today.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  I didn’t really have dinner last night, I think that’s the problem.  I split a couple pieces of cheese and a salad with Chris at the wine bar, and then went to meet another friend for dinner, but I wasn’t very hungry at that point so I just ordered another salad, which I ended up not eating because it tasted like a garlic clove.  I like garlic, but I don’t want to bite into a bulb, thanks. By the time I got home, I just wanted to go to bed.

So, anyway, this is slightly embarrassing.  Here we go.

A Kashi bar I grabbed on the way to the gym this morning:


Not all of it, but I ate it out of the container.

A mini muffin:

And a few pretzels:

At least I didn’t eat a cookie.  Yet.

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